#TalkThree 19: The Art of Semantic Awareness

Oliver Ding
Curativity Center
Published in
8 min readMar 10, 2023


Words That Matter

Photo by Amador Loureiro on Unsplash

In The Curated Mind Toolkit (v1.0), I introduced several techniques for developing tacit knowledge. One of them is called Symbolic Awareness. See the diagram below.

This one is about turning concrete data into abstract ideas such as concepts and models. If you read my articles, you probably find that I often develop a model from one case study. Yes, one story can be a sample for building a model if you can find Significant Invariants and Variants from the deep structure of the story.

Today I am going to introduce a similar technique called “Semantic Awareness”.

Though both Symbolic Awareness and Semantic Awareness are about creative abstract thinking, there is a difference between these two. While Symbolic Awareness is about generating models, Semantic Awareness is about generating concepts.

Also, they have different resoueces. Symbolic Awareness is based on perceived structures within data while Semantic Awareness…



Oliver Ding
Curativity Center

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.