#TalkThree 02: How to Name “X Innovation”?

Oliver Ding
Curativity Center
Published in
7 min readJun 3, 2022


Example, Meaning, and Name

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

People tend to use exist words to name their new ideas, I often use new terms to name new ideas. This morning I saw an example on Twitter, this article will use this example as the starting point.

An Example about “X Innovation”.

Raghav Agrawal is an independent interface design researcher and he is working on developing something about UI and Innovation. Yesterday he shared a list on Twitter and asked an interesting question. See the image below:

What’s his question?

Is there any person with all these skills and knowledge of social theory?

I was curious the list and his question. He wrote the list and wanted to 1) learn all these in his lifetime gradually, starting with a new kind of UI designing, 2) create free OER (open educational resources) for each of the above and make a residency for them.

For the “new kind of UI designing”, he shared more details in a tweet thread, see below:

  • What’s the most significant UI convention…



Oliver Ding
Curativity Center

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.