Season 2 Episode List and Summary

Roy H Adams
The Art of Complexity
2 min readApr 22, 2020


Check back often as we release 1 episode a week.

Join Roy Adams, Jerry “Indy” Gandy, and Vince Lindenmeyer, PhD as we focus on how leaders can face and thrive in the midst of the uncertainty we all face at this time in history (COVID-19 Pandemic).

Here is a summary list of the Episodes:


Defining the “New Normal…” — We keep hearing this term “new normal” being throw around because of the extraordinary times we all face. We offer some thoughts on Leadership in crisis that you can use right now in the midst of this global pandemic.


Trust! The Currency of Leadership — We continue our conversation about leadership and decision making in the midst of a crisis. Indy shares with us his “4 C’s” Leadership philosophy that is critical for any leader to embody and live out in any situation. Do you… Have Good Character, doing the right thing Have a good Cognitive model, bend the corner Have Courage for the organization (not yourself), putting the org first Have Compassion, and remember…it’s people we’re dealing with.


In this episode, we jump right into Applied Critical Thinking. What is it and why should you care? So lean in as we Navigate the Unknown.


ACT Now- Technique 1 (Problem Restatement) — In this episode, we jump into our first technique to help you implement Applied Critical Thinking. Problem Restatement is all about opening your perspectives to see things differently.


ACT Now-Technique 2 Stakeholder Mapping — In this episode, we cover a very effective technique to understand and analyze the stakeholders who may be affected by your decisions and actions. This technique can be used in deliberate planning as well as in the moment.

Below is the model we refer to in the episode.

S2E6 — Coming Soon

