
Jonathan Chen
The Art of Focus
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2017

A persons confidence in their ability and intelligence to complete a goal is especially impactful towards their motivation. There is a common misconception that people are born with a set degree of intelligence , this causes many people to believe that they simply weren’t born with the ability to achieve certain goals. But according to Myron Dembo and Helena Seli “Psychologists have found that intelligence is the result of how much information students know and the strategies they use to control their thinking and learning.” In other words, “intelligent” students are not born with abilities that other students cannot learn. “Intelligent” students are “smarter” because they study more effectively than other students. If other students learn and use these same methods, they become “smart”.

It is upsetting to see the amount of people that go through life without striving for their dreams because they believe that they didn’t hit the genetic lottery. It is very important to understand that no one is born with an innate ability to learn or succeed. But rather a persons ability to achieve is solely determined by the amount of work and dedication that they put in. People need to start believing in themselves and the motivation will follow.

Remember Success isn’t given, its earned.

Dembo, M. H., & Seli, H. (2012). Motivation and learning strategies for college success : a focus on self-regulated learning. Retrieved from

