Goal Setting Pyramid

Jonathan Chen
The Art of Focus
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2017

To follow up on my last post about setting goals I decided to create a goal setting pyramid:

Created using the Pyramid template on Microsoft Word

Before listing out my goals on the pyramid I felt so far away from becoming the person that I wanted to be. I felt this way because my life was too disorganized, I couldn’t see my end goal because it seemed like there was too many things I had to do to reach it. But once I broke up my goal into smaller checkpoints I instantly felt more motivated and determined because now I know exactly have to do to accomplish my goal. The pyramid really helped me to focus in on my goal and it gave me the confidence and belief that I can accomplish anything I set out to do.

The Goal Pyramid is very helpful for anyone who is unsure of how to reach their ideal image of themselves. Not only does it allow you to stay on track when taking the necessary steps in achieving your goal, but it also helps you to visualize yourself achieving that goal.

