Manifest Destiny

Jonathan Chen
The Art of Focus
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2017

Too often do we allow our dreams to remain fantasies.

Too often do we sit back and regret our past.

Life is too short for these idle moments and we are far too brilliant to remain docile. The time to strive for greatness is now because it won’t be easy. There will be many people that will doubt your vigor and there will be many distractions that will attempt to knock you off course. So tune out the negativity and silence your phones because our sacrifices will not go unrewarded. Stick to your goals ,don’t let anyone discourage you.

My mom always told me“You can be anyone you want” I never gave it any thought ,but after writing this blog I realized how true this statement is. We are often so caught up in looking at the achievements and victories of our idols that we fail to realize many of them started off just like us. Their accomplishments started off as dreams also, but they stuck to their plan and never stopped believing, until little by little their dreams started coming true. We shouldn’t wait for success and opportunities to find us we must actively put ourselves in positions to succeed.No one can write our destiny, unless we allow them too.

In the words of the famous Shia lebouf “Don’t let your dreams be dreams, Yesterday you said tomorrow, SO JUST DO IT!”

