Self Motivation

Jonathan Chen
The Art of Focus
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2017

Motivation is what fuels the drive for a person to achieve his/her goals. I chose self-motivation blog because I have not been too motivated lately. Recently I have not been too motivated to do my work; I think this is because I find it hard to stay motivated when I do not have a clear-cut goal to work towards. I hope in the next few weeks I will not only find this goal, but also be motivated to achieve this goal while still enjoying the process. In my opinion, it is very important to enjoy the process of achieving a goal or else I find it very difficult to stay focused and locked in. Luckily, I find it easy to stay motivated when I find a goal that I am determined in achieving.

I think in the next two weeks I can really strengthen my self-motivation by planning ahead and connecting how my school work will help me when I graduate because if I have an end goal to work towards it will help me a lot to stay focused and on task. I plan to structure my life more by setting aside specific times during the week where I will focus on my school work this will keep me from procrastinating and falling behind in class. I also hope to join more business clubs so that I can apply the skills that I learn school so that I can see the results and progress of my dedication.

