Write for us

Wesley Smits
The Art of Frontend
2 min readOct 23, 2021


The Art of Frontend is a publication for qualitative articles on Frontend-related content. This could be on HTML/CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Frameworks, Build tools, Unit Tests, etc.

We do think it’s important that a topic adds value to the community. There is a lot of content out there that has been shared repetitively such as ES6 features or the very basics of using HTML/CSS. Also please make sure your content is not outdated before submitting it. This could be about features of an older version of a framework or library for example.

That being said, if you feel your article can contribute to our community please go ahead and submit it.

Style Guide

  • Take some time to write a compelling title and subtitle. Ask yourself the question if you would want to read an article based on the title/subtitle.
  • Don’t create weird formats for headings. Keep them simple or numbered. Don’t use parenthesis, colons, arrows, hashtags, or other special characters to format them.
  • Include at least one image. Otherwise, there is no featured image. Make sure that you have the right to use this image.
  • Make sure images, especially the featured image, are relevant to the post.
  • Make sure to add alt-text and captions to images where they are relevant.
  • Make sure your article is well-formatted with an introduction, conclusion, headings, lists and that the content is clear and easy to read and understand by readers.
  • Capitalize the start of every sentence and use proper punctuation. Make sure you use commas in the right places, end sentences with a period, and format lists properly.
  • Please, don’t use emojis 😃.
  • Don’t include double spaces or any spaces between a word and punctuation.
  • Please don’t start your sentences with a super-large letter. It distracts from the content.
  • Please don’t use blockquotes, the formatting distracts from the content.
  • Please don’t repeat punctuation marks like question marks and exclamation marks.

Can I promote products/services in my content?

If you are promoting your own newsletter, social media channels or a free or open-source service feel free to do so. If you are promoting a paid service or are using affiliate links please make sure your content is not biased based on a commission. We want to make sure this publication adds value and doesn’t become a commercial bulletin board of sorts.

If in doubt, please reach out to an editor about the promotion.

How do I become a writer for The Art of Frontend?

You can apply to become a writer through this Google Form. Please fill in your name, username, e-mail address and a link to a draft post you wish to publish with us.

