The Secret To Monk-Like Discipline


who knew the answer was in front of us this whole time

A while back when I was learning to become disciplined I had a brilliant idea.

If you want to become an expert at something, what do you do?

You study the best in the field.

Okay then so what group of people has more discipline than anyone on Earth?


Now when you think of a monk what’s the first thing that comes to mind…?


The reason monks have so much willpower is because they mastered the foundational habit of self-control, meditating.

If discipline is a muscle, meditating is how you get ripped.

Now if you’re like me, you probably let out a big sigh as soon as I said the word “meditating.”


Because you’ve tried a few times before, didn’t see any benefits, felt like you were bad at it then gave up.

Well that’s because no one ever explained how to to it properly, or how it worked, but today that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

