My Weekend Multitasking

Zharia Jones
The Art of Multi-tasking
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

This weekend I had so much to do in so little time. What a great way to work on my multitasking skills. I decided to watch a Statistics lecture while completing assignments for Managerial Accounting. However, I also had the television on for background noise to prevent myself from falling asleep as I was watching — more so listening to — the lecture.

So what happened?

Everything was working well. Usually when I would watch an online lecture I take notes ,but this time I couldn’t. Taking notes requires me to stop the video so that I won’t miss any important information and would have to rewind the video. Realizing that these tasks couldn’t be completed at the same time I tried to find something that would work better. Instead of working on assignments for Managerial Accounting, I decided to work on my statistics assignments as I watched the lecture and took notes ,but the television was still on for background noise. Even though I was also watching the TV this combination worked a lot better. I was able to stay focused multitasking.

Getting overwhelmed

How long did it last?

Losing focus is very easy, a little too easy. Being able to get your focus back is the hard part. When multitasking ,or even trying to complete any timed task you must be able to starve your distractions so that you can feed your focus. I do believe that I could’ve been very successful multitasking and getting my work done. However, my roommate came home and we started to converse. I mainly listened as she spoke ,but I couldn’t listen to her, the TV and my lecture. In the end, I learned some important keys in mastering the art of multitasking. In order to be successful in multitasking you need to be able to recognize which tasks can be done at the same time and which cannot. You also need to be in the right space, allowing minimal to no distractions.

Multitasking is what you make it and it’ll get a lot easier once you’ve learned how to master it.

