Do You Struggle With Structure In Your Short Stories?

An expansive mini-guide for structuring your short story.

Juneta Key
The Art of Fiction


Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Structure and Character in the Short Story

Let’s talk about short story creation and structure.

Word Limits:

· A short story typically has 1500 to a 7500-words. You need to always read and follow submission guidelines when submitting stories.

· Flash Fiction has around 500 to a 1000-words.

Word count image created in Excel by the author using information from Wikipedia and the Author Learning Center

These tips tailored for — but not limited, to stories 3000 to 4000 words.

To Start:

· You need a character with a deep need or desire. Something that they will fight or struggle to get or resist. They need an external need/desire and an internal need/desire. This need or want is intertwined with the character’s core motivation for their actions and choices, consciously or subconsciously, good or bad. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

· Your character needs resistance, and by that, I mean something, someone, situation or event, that prevents them from fulfilling their deep need…

