Open submissions for Writers, Contributors, and Editors

Kelly Culver
The Art of Teaching
1 min readJul 12, 2015

We want to create a platform where like-minded educators can come together and share their stories, experiences, gripes… whatever. We strive to be a community of educators who support change. Who aren’t afraid to learn. And above all, we are looking for those teachers who aren’t afraid to laugh — at their profession, their colleagues, their school, and themselves. (We believe that sometimes self-deprcation is healthy.)

We subscribe to the philosophy that to teach is to learn. Our mission is to help facilitate the next generation. To strive to help build critical thinking into the curriculum and into our culture (with the helps of our students.)

We all know that there are those teachers. The ones who’ve changed someone’s life for the better (we aren’t really looking for the ones who changed someone for the worse…). Who are they? What makes them unique? Why do we need them?

Let’s destroy the stereotype that those who can, do and those who cannot, teach.

If you are interested in contributing as a writer, an editor, or guest blogger, please contact us. You can leave your contact information below or send us an email.



Kelly Culver
The Art of Teaching

English teacher. Begrudging realist/humorist. My eductional philosophy — Teach them how to think and how to laugh. Try to grow with them. We’re all learners.