How to choose the right ‘path’

If in doubt, start.

Matt Edmundson
The Art of Venturing


Go back a few hundred years in your mind.

You are in a local pub at a port, sitting, listening to all of the sailor’s stories. Most of the people around you are the locals, who, like you have never been on a boat, but they have heard the stories of the people that have been on them.

They have listened intently, being drawn in to each tale of adventure. Sometimes they believe it and sometimes they don’t, but no matter. The closest they have ever come to setting sail is when they sail away in their minds, engaging in the story of someone else’s adventure.

Today, though, you have decided that you are getting on a boat and having your own adventure.

You tell the locals, most of whom laugh at you and tell you that you can’t do it (because they can’t do it), but a few of the story-tellers get around you and start to tell you of the adventures their particular ship has to offer.

You step outside and see hundreds of boats in the port. Which one do you take? Which ship goes to the right destination? You don’t know. You walk over to a group of people who also want to set sail but they haven’t a clue which boat to take.

Everyone in the group wants adventure. But nobody in the group has a clue about where to go and which ship to take.

To understand where to go, you must first understand what you want. But everything sounds so good you want it all and become scared to make the wrong choice.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see someone else leave the pub, he walks over to your group and listens. He asks a few questions and then promptly heads towards one of the boats.

“How do you know you have chosen the right boat?” You ask as he walks off.

“I don’t.” He replies.

“You don’t know where it is going though.” You helpfully point out.

“I know.”

Then you start to understand, it is not about the destination — it is about the journey and just taking the risk and going on the journey is enough in itself. There is no right ship. They are all right. It doesn’t matter which one you chose. It just matters that you choose something.

If in doubt, start.



Matt Edmundson
The Art of Venturing

Venturer, Family Man, LFC fan, Digital Entrepreneur on a faith journey. Hello.