Screw the 30-day challenges

Lyle Foxman
The Art Spirit
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2016

I tried this 30-day writing last year, it lasted 2 days. I hate writing, hated it school and still do….it’s uncomfortable for me to do.

Someone somewhere told me to be successful online you have to blog, try writing for 30 days or do a vlog etc. The wannabe guru 30-day challenges are the worst, just a big upsell for their product, membership site or e-book.

Took me awhile to realize with the whole online game you have to do what is authentically you, your passion and most of all your talent. In order to win you have to be authentic. Look at Casey Neistat and Gary Vaynerchuk, they have no magic formulas, funnels or 30 day challenges, they just do the work that comes natural to them and play on their talents.

So I have chucked it all and have gone back to doing traditional art. It was my passion my talent, but life sometimes throws you off track. Now I do it everyday, I show my work when I feel like it but It feels natural and not a chore or job. I want to be great at it….screw that THE BEST. I don’t need a 30 day challenge to remind me to challenge myself because I do it on autopilot. Lesson, if it does not come naturally and feels forced….don’t do it.

