Shift Miracles Mood Lady

Janette Valentino
The Artful Journey
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2017

Shifts can be like little miracles. You start doing something differently perhaps just in a small way in the beginning. It can simply be being aware of a new (or old) feeling or thought in the midst of a conflict or challenging situation. Perhaps all you do differently is NOTICE the thought/pattern. That is HUGE & is an example of a little Shift Miracle.

Be on the lookout for the Shift Miracles. The little ones can be easy to miss. Sometimes the large ones appear without prior warning. As we pay more attention to who we truly are, we start noticing things — thoughts, actions, behaviors — that don’t feel like us. When we reach that point, it suddenly becomes impossible to continue as before. Instead, we identify a new behavior that serves us better.

Whether it is a small or big Shift Miracle, acknowledge them, celebrate them — they are the steps on your unique path, bringing out more of YOU.

Journey question/s: In what area would you like to experience a Shift Miracle in your life? What is one small thing you could do differently to move in that direction?

This is the text & image of The Shift Miracle Mood Lady. You can find out more about the Mood Ladies at

And if you’d like to read an example of what it’s like when we’re living the concept of Shift Miracles, here’s a story for you.

All Mood Lady images drawn by Debra Valentino.



Janette Valentino
The Artful Journey

Personal & Professional Development Coach who is sparked by Creative & Conscious work, play & life.