Happiness is a hope

Nishchal Raj
The Ascended Being
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2019

“Hope is a very dangerous thing and yet everybody vies for it.”

Everyone wants happiness. Ultimately our mind seeks happiness from anything we do. Because people do anything to get happy; either consciously or subconsciously.

Photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash

The part of everyone’s life we are going to discuss today revolves all around the happiness they seek from their work. Someone just does a work and keeps doing it until the feeling of satisfaction hits, some plan for a goal or mark a milestone to achieve to get that feeling of satisfaction. All these finally makes one happy. But, there’s a big functionality of subconscious part of our brain that gets triggered when you plan for a work; you roadmap all the steps you are going to work on to achieve the final goal. This goal needs not to be big.

When you plan, your mind works in a way to give you ideas so that you can achieve whatever you have planned for, but it doesn’t distinguish between the happiness you achieve at the end.

The happiness felt inside is all the same.

Getting deeper into this discussion needs your full attention as this may have happened at some point or is going to happen. Suppose you planned to do task ‘A’ by the end of the month, and you are ready with full dedication to achieve it, and your subconscious mind is ready to give all it takes to feel the happiness. Keep this noted that the happiness won’t be distinguished. So you are working on the steps to complete task ‘A’, and someday, a task which you planned long ago has just been accomplished, or anything which you didn’t expect has occurred and you feel amazing about it. You will feel great, the moment will just be outstanding in every aspect. You definitely would want to celebrate the moment to keep the happiness with you and motivate you for future. In this process, your happiness either will motivate you to work more or will give you a sense of achievement which makes the mind forget all the things and just carry the joy you have.

Now, this joy, this feeling of happiness can be an enemy of your task ‘A’, which you just left incomplete. Because the mind won’t distinguish between the happiness it gets hit by, it will continue to give you the sense of achievement. But, at this time you need to know that there is task ‘A’ which needs to be completed as planned. Don’t let yourself be fooled by the happiness you feel, or if you do, you are going to rest for a long time, which eventually will result in your task ‘A’ getting delayed. Whether you notice or not, in the sense of feeling that happiness you may have spent a lot of time which isn’t coming back, and now you may be in a hurry to complete the task ‘A’.

So, happiness, as friendly as it feels, can even be dangerous if you don’t pay attention or want to be fooled by such achievements. Now, this has given you the detail of what should be done when you feel the sudden joy. This doesn’t mean that happiness need not to be celebrated, of course you can do what you want but the thing to keep in mind must be clear after all.

Be Happy :)

Click here to read original blog.



Nishchal Raj
The Ascended Being

Co-Founder @ Paisa App | Technical Speaker @ ALCCalabar - Google I/O '22 Extended-BLRKotlin #30 | Ex-GDSC Lead | Writer | Researcher | @thenishchalraj