1 Easy Trick to Massively Improve Your Sleep Quality

I tested a research-backed method for better sleep and productivity. It worked fabulously.

Robin Noethen
Ascent Publication


Woman with headphones on and hair hiding hair face lies on her back, head turned sideways
Photo by Elice Moore on Unsplash

A good day always starts the night before.

Quality sleep is essential to our physical and mental well-being. But what exactly is high-quality sleep?

Before I come to the eye-opening results of my little self-experiment, let’s dig into science a little.

It’s not all about quantity.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state an adult between 18 and 60 should aim for seven or more hours of sleep per night. Some need more, some need less, but the question of quantity seems to be answered relatively easy.

To understand sleep quality, we have to take a look at the human sleep cycle. There are four sleep stages. (We’ll leave out the REM stage or stage 5, where dreams are most vivid. If you want to know more about that stage, click here.)

Stage 1 is a transition phase between wakefulness and sleep and makes up for only 2 to 5% each night. Disruptive noise wakes us up quickly during that stage.

Stage 2 lasts between 45 and 55% of the time. Brain activity starts to slow down, and it becomes harder to wake up…



Robin Noethen
Ascent Publication

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