10 Green Smoothie Benefits to Boost Your Health in 2023

What I learned from drinking green smoothies daily for one year

Oliver Romsen
Ascent Publication


Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

Are green smoothies worth the hype?

I’ve heard about it online and thought it was interesting but never gave it a serious thought.

One day, my cousin asked me to try it because it helped cure her caffeine habit. That was enough to draw my attention because I was already drinking up to 3 liters of coffee every day at that time (no exaggeration) and it was starting to affect my sleep.

I didn’t have to change or remove anything from my diet, I just needed to add drinking a tall glass of freshly blended goodies every day.

There was nothing to lose and everything to gain, right?

What was supposed to be a one-week experiment turned into a one year (and counting) habit. Here’s why…

What are Green Smoothies?

Green smoothies are a mixture of vegetables and fruits blended with water to make “eating” vegetables easier and more enjoyable, ultimately helping you meet the required daily servings of fruits, veggies, fiber, and vitamins.

Adding appropriate amounts of creamy and citrus fruits to your veggies allows for better mixing and gives…

