Fossacessia, Italy

10 Lessons I Learned by Going on 10 Dates

Andrea A
Ascent Publication
Published in
21 min readJan 14, 2019


When breadth of experience becomes necessary to get depth.

10 dates with 10 new people.

What originally began as a way to meet new people and exchange stories through drinks turned into a litmus test of sorts.

After getting out of a serious relationship that lasted 4 years, dating was the last thing on my mind.

After all, I was in a gray area.

I wasn’t ready to emotionally invest in anyone nor take part in meaningless flings either.

Yet after doing some solo traveling for the first time, I channeled a new side of myself.

I became the woman I always wanted to be: outgoing and confident.

I was able to draw people in through the energy I put out and speak my truth in ways that positively impacted people.

I didn’t recognize who I was becoming, but I absolutely loved it.

I wanted to preserve the momentum and not close myself off entirely by retreating back into my shell.

Which is why I took the advice of relationship coach Tessa Rima and put myself in “circulation mode”.

In other words: dating for fun, without an expected outcome.



Andrea A
Ascent Publication

Former content manager. Writing from the heart, editing from the brain. Sharing “aha” moments and uncomfortable truths one story at a time.