10 Small Habits That Reveal A Lot About Anyone

From how often they check their phone down to their fingernails.

Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

People argue that we’ll meet around 10,000 people in our lifetime.

That’s a lot of handshakes and hellos.

But all of those people won’t stay in your life, nor will you want them to. Some will be genuine, others deceiving. Some positive, others negative. So the question is: how do you figure what kind of person someone is upon meeting them?

There are a few habits that tell you a lot about someone’s personality. They’re not always fool-proof, but when you’re going off little information, they’re better than nothing.

Whether you’re dating, making friends, or networking, noticing these small habits can help you determine who, out of those 10,000 people, are the ones you want to keep in your life:

Their eye contact.

*Edit: I appreciate everyone who brought to my attention that the below comments don’t apply to people on the spectrum. Please take that into account as well*

If someone avoids eye contact with you, there are two explanations: they’re shy or lying.

I dated a guy in high school who seldom made eye contact when he talked and seemed nervous…



Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." kirstietaylor.com/guide // IG: @kirstietaylorr //