12 Ways to Maintain a Language When Learning It Isn’t Your Priority

You don’t always need to improve. Maintaining can be enough.

Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication


I love learning languages but sometimes I just don’t have enough time to learn all the languages I want. I already speak six and am learning two more. I wouldn’t have the time to do anything else if I wanted to improve all of them at the same time.

That’s where maintenance comes in.

Every polyglot realizes at one point that he needs to maintain some of his languages to be able to focus on another one. And even if you’ve only learned one foreign language, you still need to learn how to maintain the language no matter what life throws at you.

That’s why maintenance is as important as learning itself. There’s no point in learning a language if it’s only to forget it all soon after.

Luckily, there are countless ways to maintain a language. Here, I’ll share 12 ways I’ve used in the past decade to never forget a language I’ve put on hold. Some will seem obvious. Some might not.

Their common aspect is that anybody can do any of them without trouble.

1. Journaling

I began journaling only three years ago and now wonder why I ever didn’t journal. It’s…



Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra