13 Powerful Ideas from Books I Wish I Had Read Years Ago

The most important skill for getting rich is becoming a perpetual learner.

Eva Keiffenheim
Ascent Publication


Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

Great books change who you are even though you don’t remember most of their content.

You forget things as fast as you understand them. Yet, the really great stuff sticks with you.

What you find in this article is a list of really powerful ideas that stuck with me from the +200 books I read in the last three years. May these ideas be as valuable to you as they were for me.

1) Quit more books.

A book’s sales numbers don’t say much about its quality. Best-selling authors are primarily great marketers.

But your life is too short for bad books. Start books quickly but also quit them fast if you don’t like them. Knowing what you want to read is essential, but so is its inversion — knowing what you don’t want to read.

“Nine-tenths of the whole of our present literature aims solely at taking a few shillings out of the public’s pocket, and to accomplish this, author, publisher, and reviewer have joined forces.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

2) Most things have already been done, but they have not yet…



Eva Keiffenheim
Ascent Publication

Learning enthusiast, TEDx speaker, and writer with +3M views | Elevate your love for learning with my free, weekly Learn Letter: http://bit.ly/learnletter