15 Tips for Becoming a Better Writer in 2017

Michael Riley
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2017


Happy New Year!

Here’s a list of 15 things that can help make you a better writer in 2017. Enjoy!

  1. Just write out what you’re trying to say; don’t try to say it perfectly. That’s what editing is for.
  2. Document your ideas when they come to you. Visit that list often.
  3. Write like how you speak. It will be easier for people to connect to your writing.
  4. The best ideas and writing come from the heart. Write about the things you care about. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
  5. Read a lot, especially writers that inspire you. Channel their talent and positive energy to create something that would make them proud.
  6. Try listening to a favorite song on repeat while writing. It will not only help you tune out the background noise but also your mind will begin to associate that song as a trigger for productive writing sessions.
  7. Don’t go too long without hitting publish, or your audience might forget about you. Sharing something every day or few days is better, but once a week is good too.
  8. Develop your own writing routine. That’s the only organized way to consistently get your writing done.
  9. Pay attention to audience feedback, but don’t let it cripple you. Find the happy medium between serving your audience and controlling your message.
  10. Catalogue your writing. Start a blog where people can discover you and consume your past content. Keep track of pieces you don’t publish too in case you ever want to return to them.
  11. Make an effort to connect with other writers, whether online or in-person. Surrounding yourself with others in the trenches will help you relate and motivate you to continue.
  12. Embrace the writing struggle. All writers go through it to get to their best work.
  13. Try to write every day. It’s like exercising a muscle.
  14. If the words aren’t coming to you, put yourself in front of your computer anyways and start typing to see what comes out.
  15. Define your writing mission / purpose. Know why you write and how you want your writing to affect other people.

Is there a writing tip that you live by? Would love to hear about it!



Michael Riley
Ascent Publication

Writer of "The Life of Riley" blog (thelifeofriley.co) | Account Manager at Julius