2020 Will Be My Best Decade Ever

I’m a girl with plans wrought from experience. It can be your best decade, too.

Jane Trombley
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

The hoopla surrounding the New Year is simply part of what makes us human. As social animals, we seek to celebrate another 365-day transit around the sun with a clean slate of goodwill and optimism.

Humanity has been at this since the Babylonians returned borrowed tools to mark the new year. Across cultures and millennia, New Year’s Resolutions, however fleeting, are struck as promises to and about ourselves and others.

In modern times the sense of a fresh start seems magnified when the new year ends in a zero. It’s more than a year; it’s the start of a decade.

Think back to1990, the last decade of the 20th century, as the analog world began its long, slow descent. It became clear that some pretty big stuff was just over the horizon.

Then came 2000, the much-heralded entry into the 21st century. At the same time, a bit feared, given the unknowns around Y2K. Unimaginable tragedy early in the decade set a worrisome tone that reverberates today.

In the 2010s, the earth shifted beneath our feet, from politics to pronouns. And yet, as The New



Jane Trombley
Ascent Publication

A pan-curious essayist working out what to do with "my one wild and precious life." Nicheless by design. janetrombley@gmail.com"