3 Bad Habits You Have to Quit NOW!

JaQuan Bryant
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2018
“grayscale photography of man sitting on chair” by Steve Knutson on Unsplash

In our quest to become better versions of ourselves, it is obvious that we must implement good habits. Habits that will allow us to be our best selves.

However, there are also bad habits that we must rid ourselves of. Habits that do nothing but hold us back from our greatness.

As I have spent the last few months getting my life on track, I have noticed that once I got rid of all the micro, and macro, bad habits that were truly holding me back, it allowed me to implement good habits that pushed me in the right direction.

Stop spending too much time on social media

I did a 30-day social media detox recently, which went amazingly. I spent a ton of time reading articles and books on my Kindle app that would’ve normally been spent on social media.

Social media has taken over our lives and has brainwashed us into believing that our lives is better, when it really is not.

Now, I only spend a maximum of an hour on social media per day. It’s hard to completely disconnect, so moderation is best.

Social media is killing our society.

However, you still have to watch out for what you’re absorbing on social media. I suggest that you unfollow everyone that does not contribute to your life in a positive way, even family and friends. This is tough, but it takes you having to be honest with yourself.

Apple has this amazing feature where it allows you to simply track your activity on your device. You can also set limits how long you’re allowed to use an per day. I suggest adding this feature to ensure that you’re not wasting too much time on social media.

Sleeping In

This is a very hard bad habit to break because you’re having to fight yourself… literally. One part of you is asking for 5 more minutes while the other side knows you need to get up. And yes, you can put your alarm clock/phone on the other side of the room, but does that really stop anyone?

Sleeping in is a huge time waster. You have to manage all 1,440 in your day and sleeping in gets you nowhere near your goals. In fact, if you oversleep by just 10 minutes every day, you would have wasted 2.5 days in a year. That’s 2 and a half days wasted just trying to get 10 minutes of extra sleep.

Go to bed earlier to wake up earlier.

Instead, I have found the the best way to get over this is to simply envision yourself, the night before, getting up on time, putting your feet on the floor, walking to the bathroom, peeing and brushing your teeth, etc.

This trick works wonder because you’re telling your brain what will happen and pretty much solidifying it in the brain so when you wake up, that is the first thing you think about.

Being Indecisive

This is going to seem small and irrelevant, but worth telling. So, I use task management apps to plan and operate my day. I’ve always loved the Todoist app to do such.

However, another app, TickTick, technically provides more of what I want and allows me to have the control I need in a to-do list app.

So, I would frequently go back and forth switching between the two. I’d go back to Todoist because of the design and minimalist approach, but go back to TickTick becuase of the numerous amounts of features that I use regularly.

The reasonI use this example is because I waste a ton of time switching back and forth. Luckily, I have settled on TickTick permanently, but I have easily wasted days within a year simply switching between the two.

Being indecisive is a bad habit that will truly destroy you life.

That is why you want to try and process and make decisions almost immediately. If not immediately then you want to make sure you really think through all possible scenarios before you make a decision. This will help you avoid wasting hours on simply going back-and-forth between your decision and it also makes you look stronger and more confidence in the eyes of others.

Strive to get rid of these three habits and you will see your life starts to grow. However it’s important that you implements good habits in place of these bad habits.

As always, thanks for reading and definitely share if you took away anything from this article.

