3 Hard Things About the Life of a Digital Nomad Nobody Told Me

A story of how I traveled 10,000 km while trying to build my online business

Jessie van Breugel
Ascent Publication


Photo by Peggy Anke on Unsplash

I feel anxiety coming up while writing this.

Anxious about the stuff that hasn’t been written yet, not created, and not manifested. Unconsciously, I put a lot of pressure on myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t complain. I moved to Costa Rica almost four weeks ago and it has been surreal ever since. I found a home in the small, beautiful village of Sámara, on the Pacific Coast. Compared to the winter cold in Amsterdam, it’s a paradise. I will spare you the pictures.

Normally, when I travel, I always look for the next destination — chasing the next high. Not this time. The fact that I plan to stay here caused a shift in my mindset. I’m beginning to see Sámara as my new home. At least for now, let’s see what life has in store for me. Yet, I found a big challenge to overcome:

Building my business and travelling around don’t go well together.

At least, not at this moment in time.

I haven’t found the magic combination yet. Everybody talks about how great it is to be a digital nomad, but nobody has told me how to actually pull it off.



Jessie van Breugel
Ascent Publication

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