3 Questions You Should Regularly Ask Yourself, Which Help You To Find Your Direction Of Life

Gregor Pitsch
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readJul 7, 2018
Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

How many times did I ask myself “what am I doing here at all” or “what should I do”?

Of course, these moments still occur. And that’s ok for me. But somehow I have to get back on track to strive for my goals, if some doubts arouse.

I am 24 years old and I want to enjoy my life every day. I am still exploring myself and I think this will never end. Therefore I often look for some pushes in the right direction or better some intentions, which make me push myself in the direction I want to go even if I don’t know where I should head off to.

My most important priority is to grow personal, to form extraordinary relationships and to take action on my long term goals daily.

When I say extraordinary relationships, this doesn’t mean, that I want to be the best friend of Brad Pitt or any other “extraordinary” person in this world. It means, that I want to form relationships with real friends — people, who support me when I have doubts, people, who know when I need to be alone or when I need someone around me, people, I can trust blindly and people, who are aligned with my beliefs.

If you want to improve your life in the way you want it, you have to know yourself first. In the last days I had some more intense thoughts on what my purpose is in life.

In my opinion a person without a purpose in life has no life.

And because I am convinced, that I am the basis of my reality, I always start by myself for a change. To get to know myself better I am used to ask three questions, which I believe have enormous power to improve my and everybody else’s life.

What kind of person do you want to be?

I believe this question has tremendous power, because it has infinite many answer and they have the abilitiy to change daily.

When I asked myself this question the first, what kind of person I want to be, I freshly turned 17 and it was on the day of the funeral of my father. This incident pushed me in the direction to value my time like nothing else in the world. This was the point, where I realized I want to use my time to fulfill myself. I had no clue, how I wanted to achieve that, but I knew that I wanted it.

So my first approach was, that I want to give back to the world, what I learned from my father — to spread happiness and be a person of trust. In this moment it was so clear to me, that I want to live a positive and happy life and that I have to spread love to attract this type of life.

Neither I ever heard anything about the Law of Attraction nor did I understand, that everything I give out would come back to me. But at this point this was clear.

As I started to change my daily purpose my life changed completely. I learned to love the small things. I learned to be grateful for these small things.

Because I started to change my whole attitude my whole life improves enormously. My basis is happiness and I always focus on the positive things.

In order to be able to realize, which kind of person you want to be, please do me a favor and ask yourself before somebody really important in your life dies. Trust me, you don’t want to wait until then.

Based on the answer to this question more questions will arouse, which all lead you into the direction you want to maintain. All these questions have answers, which again lead you further and so on.

One single question can change your life and this one has the potential to do so.

Why do you get up in the morning?

A short time ago I realized I never asked myself this question before. What is my purpose for getting up? Why do I get up every morning?

Further I understood quickly, that the answer is powerful. The manner you answer this question shows your ambitions and your purpose. This answer leads you, if you hear what it says.

If you don’t have any answer on this question you never asked yourself this question before and you didn’t find your purpose yet.

I believe you don’t have to know the one and only correct answer, if it exists at all, but you set yourself up into a good position if you make assumptions — preferably every day.

I am convinced, that the more often we answer this question the clearer the answers get and time by time we will recognize our own unique pattern. In my sense this unique pattern shows, who we really are and what fuels us to crush our days for the rest of our life.

Does the action you take when you are alone match your purpose and ambitions?

You are who you are when nobody is watching. — Steven Fry

Most likely you heard this quote before.

Honestly, I missunderstood this quote for a long time. I thought it considers all the things you don’t dare to do when you’re in public. But the time when you are alone shows and forms your character.

You are rewarded in public for what you practiced for years in private. — Tony Robbins

Now the question is, what do you do in private? Does it match your ambitions and your purpose?

You actions have to match your ambitions. — Gary Vaynerchuk

By far I am not as far as I want to be and I adjust and question my action every day. I know the whole thing is a process.

These questions always pull me back to the ground, clarify my goals and fuel my actions. So I am used to ask them daily, just to be safe, that I am not traveling in a wrong direction.



Gregor Pitsch
Ascent Publication

Monk Mindset | Athlete | Personal Development | Product Manager | Contact me: info@gregorpitsch.com