3 Reasons Why I’m Doing A Vipassana Retreat

I’m about to do my first Vipassana 10-day silent retreat. Completely cut-off from the world.

Right in the middle of building my business. Right when it’s taking off. This would seem completely stupid to most entrepreneurs out there.

I actually think it will be very beneficial to both me and my business. Here are the main 3 reasons why I’m going:

1. Not being in the way of my business

As a business owner, I think the more I make myself dispensable, the better. Of course, I put a lot of energy into building the foundations, but then they need to be strong and sustainable even when I’m not here. This retreat is a great test.

How can I automate & delegate more? How can I improve my processes? This is the kind of things we always postpone because we’re “too busy”.

2. Awareness of my addictions

I don’t really drink or smoke, but addiction is way wider than what we think. Shopping, TV, even healthy things like exercising or reading can be an addiction. An escape from problems and reality.

What will I want to do when I’m just here with my mind. Can I be relaxed and not need to distract myself?

I think the 2 things I identified as addictive to me are eating and social media, so eating only twice a day and not having access to my smartphone and social media will be great.

I’m sure there is something else I will find out too.

3. Find fulfilment from within

I have a pretty cool life and I’m pretty keen to keep it this way. I love traveling, pleasures, connecting with awesome people, building businesses… I love an exciting life. But I don’t want to need it to be happy.

I want to make sure I can get fulfilment from the tiniest things. My breath. Being alive. This is true freedom. Finding unconditional happiness, being fulfilled whatever the external conditions.

I think the greatest example was Viktor Frankl who found fulfilment in concentration camps. If you haven’t read Man’s Search for Meaning, go for it!

Looking forward!

It starts in a few days and weirdly I’m quite excited about it. I’ll do a podcast when I finish. The fourth reason would be that I know it is going to bring me things I don’t expect yet…

I would love your opinion on this. If you liked this story, don’t hesitate to clap and share. 😊



Alex E Lamber 🇫🇷🇦🇺🇮🇩
Ascent Publication

🔐 Founder UNLOCKT.me 🚀 Personal Growth Online Programs 🌱 Plant- based 😌 Vedic Meditation ❤️ Conscious communities 💻 Digital Nomad