3 Strikes Doesn’t Mean You’re Out

Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2018

I have met a lot of people in my day, that take one swing at life, or opportunity — and miss the ball. Once they miss the ball, they never pick up a bat again. -Christopher Taylor

Knowing When to Take a Pitch

There are many different kinds of people in this beautiful, yet overpopulated world. Someone is always throwing suggestions at you — Telling you you’re doing something wrong, and you should do it this way. Claiming they have found the key to success… but it’s another disappointment.

Taking advice is a natural, human emotion. We are all worried about what others think and whether we should have listened to what they told us. But sometimes, you must listen to your gut and your intuition!

We tend to tune out our own little voice inside of our heads, to listen to the bigger voice outside. But what if that little voice inside of our head, is the one we should be listening to? What if it is the voice that has been trying to steer us in the right direction this whole time? What if… it’s really GOD?

Not All Advice is Good Advice

Ever since I have been on my entrepreneurial journey — I have had numerous individuals tell me that I was going the wrong way and that I should just be happy where I am, and quit striving for more — and settle. I cannot stand the word settle anymore! It is a word I have thrown out of my vocabulary.

There will be people through out your life begging you to settle and just play it safe and stay where you are in life… But if you’re anything like me; you’re absolutely tired of staying stagnant and restricted. If you’re like me you’re ready to break free and experience all that life has to offer!

The ones that are begging you to stand still and not to progress — have given up on their dreams, and don’t want to experience life to the fullest.

Now, you could choose to listen to these people, as they might even be close family members; but just because they are family — does not make them spiritual, emotional, financial, or life advisers. Follow your gut; it has always been there for you.

If you Don’t Try, You Don’t Succeed

What do you do if you don’t take advice from your family members, and start listen to your gut? You start doing!

In my life right now, I am about to step WAY out of my comfort zone, to get to the other side. I am about to do things I am not remotely comfortable doing — because I know what I want, and I know this is what I have to do.

If I fail?

That means that I know it’s one way that doesn’t work.

If I get nervous?

That means I will have to do it scared and nervous. Point is — you must try. Success is about calculated action, and not being inert.

A lot of people talk themselves out of success, every day. They scare themselves with these false scenarios of what is not going to happen — but they think they might. I have fell victim to my own false thoughts, also. Literally scaring myself out of being successful, because my paradigm was that of scarcity and fear. Now, it’s of abundance and hope.

We all have to play the game of life.

Some of us choose to stand in the batters box and not swing. Some of us choose to stay in the on-deck circle, and never make It to the batters box. And some of us choose to sit in the dug-out and chew gum and sunflower seeds, watching the rest of the team take swings, and either connect, or strikeout. But one thing you must realize about life is:

There aren’t 3 strikes when you’re in the batters box of your own life.

You can take as many swings as you’d like to. Life will always keep pitching.



Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication

Christopher Taylor, is a future billionaire and entrepreneur. He has 3 children, a supportive wife; and is creating his future, day by day. Stay tuned.