3 Tips to Get Through Tough Times: A Joyful Life Toolkit

A little bit of effort can go a long way in creating lasting happiness.

Kirsten Trammell
Ascent Publication


Times get tough.

No matter who you are, things happen in life that land you on the metaphorical teacup ride at Disneyland after eating an entire funnel cake and grape slurpy.

You want to get off the ride and out of the agonizing pain, but you can’t seem to escape. The cup is spinning and the seat belt is on too tight.

We’ve all been there, even some of the most successful artist has lived through tougher times than most. Jim Carrey lived out of his family’s car as a kid, Shania Twain started working at the age of 8 to support her mother and J. K Rowling couldn’t even afford a computer to write Harry Potter on. But they found a way through it, and so can you.

It is all a matter of choice, making the decision to create joy and create positive habits that bring happiness back into your life. In the moment, this choice may sound impossible, but there are simple things you can start doing right now to bring more happiness into your life.

1. Outsource what you hate.

Time is the most valuable commodity you possess, how you spend it matters.

