3 Tips To Prevent Your Job Search From Feeling Like A Full-Time Job

For one, you need to prioritize what garners most results.

Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2019


By Shireen Jaffer, co-founder and CEO of Edvo

Hop on Google to look for job-search advice, and you’ll find plenty of articles, podcasts, and LinkedIn posts with tips that require hours each day to implement.

Some suggest creating an in-depth “value validation” project for each role. Others tell you to reach out to 100 people a week until you get an offer.

For most people, that type of time-intensive job search is out of the question.

Many people don’t have the luxury of taking time off to hunt for a job. In fact, even landing an interview can be a stressful situation if it requires taking a sick day or finding someone to pick up the kids from school.

So despite popular belief, the job search is not like going to the gym every evening after work. It’s not hard but rewarding. It’s just hard. You’re either getting responses and scheduling interviews, or you’re not. You might work your butt off for months without feeling like you’re making progress.

Doing anything that time-consuming for months and months is bound to burn you out.



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