3 Ways Gaming Has Actually Improved My Wellbeing

Enlightened Digital
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2019

As a gamer, it’s difficult for me to see only negative news stories being published or broadcasted about the gaming industry. Most publications won’t pick up a story about a board game or video game unless it’s some fluke catastrophe or about an obvious addict ruining their life. Personally, gaming has always been a positive influence on my life and it’s one of the pillars of my wellbeing.

Photo by Sean Do

If we look at wellbeing through the lens of the popular “Self-Determination Theory” (SDT), it becomes clear why so many people utilize gaming as a way to enhance their lives, not escape from them. I want to highlight what SDT is and how it can shed some light on the world of gaming in the hopes of removing some stigma from gaming culture and maybe even inspire some people to give them a try.

Self-Determination Theory says that human motivation and fulfillment are linked to three main pillars that are paramount to our sense of wellbeing as human beings.


  • The feeling of being in control of your actions. You need to be able to make decisions that matter and have your own thoughts beyond what you’re told.

When I play grand strategy video games like Total War: Warhammer 2 or Civilization: 6, or fast past hack and slash games like Path of Exile or Diablo 3, every decision and button press is mine. All the success I have in these games is due to the decisions I make. On the flip side, I can’t run away from the failures either. If I make a bad decision while gaming, I’ll get punished for that. This leads to more decisions that I need to come up with. I have to decide how best to recover from the mistake and how to put myself in the best position to succeed based on the new circumstances.

People don’t have that kind of total control in their daily lives. Many of us have bosses, spouses, children, and other people who nudge our decisions in certain directions that may not have been our own. Most of the time this is ok; we do this because we care about others. But having a place where I control what happens relieves any feelings, conscious or subconscious, of lack of control.

Photo by Alex Haney


  • The sense of achievement by being able to complete necessary tasks, and overcoming challenges.

A fundamental defining attribute of a game is what’s known as a “Failure State.” In other words, you need to be able to lose. Well-designed games balance the risk-reward scales so that players never get too much for too little effort.

Great games also have clear objectives for players. There are games I play where I need to collect a certain number of items so I can build another building. Sometimes the objective is simply defeat the enemy. All games need you to complete a task with a risk of failure along the way. That’s what games are!

It’s easy to find ourselves unfulfilled at home or at work if we are no longer feeling challenged or don’t have clear objectives. Playing games takes away all that ambiguity for me and puts me in a place where I know what to do, I know the dangers and I feel that sense of accomplishment as I get better and better at a game.

Photo by Alex Haney


  • The ability to relate to others. This can be in direct social interactions or by feeling like you are part of a community.

This is where gaming can really shine. Now, admittedly, there are some terribly toxic communities out there. Some games attract players of a certain ilk that seem to thrive on online bullying and that kind of behavior is deplorable. That behavior is also condemned by the vast majority of gamers out there.

Online video games and streaming services allow gamers to get the sense of belonging they may be lacking either at work, at home, or out in their own communities. Platforms like Twitch.tv and games like Fortnite and World of Warcraft allow those of us in the gaming world to connect with like minded individuals from across the globe. There are so many great streamers and YouTube personalities that play the games I play. I always have somewhere to go when I need to connect.

Table-top gaming is also such a great way to make friends and socialize over a common hobby. My wife and I both decided to try playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends and we’ve never been happier. I can’t think of a better way for us to play and socialize with our friends and each other. Always remember, in spite of what you see, “gaming” isn’t a teenager alone in a basement with the lights off. It can be adults around a table with some beer and plenty of laughs.


I’ve been gaming my whole life in one form or another. I’ve never felt out of control. I’ve never felt a lack of achievement and I’ve never felt alone. If you’re struggling to feel fulfilled in life, play some games! You might be surprised how fulfilling they can be.



Enlightened Digital
Ascent Publication

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