37 Ways to Impact Lives and Make a Difference by Harnessing the Power of Kindness

“Getting money is not all a man’s business: to cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life.” ― Samuel Johnson

Bridget O. Menyeh
Ascent Publication
3 min readOct 17, 2017


Image: Pixabay

People Are Doors. People Are Opportunities.

In today’s world, a hello from a stranger can be considered a rare gem. We’re constantly retreating into a virtual world in the name of connecting better. Personally, I think we’re failing because we’re doing it all wrong. I believe the virtual world needs to complement the physical and not replace it.

Think about this: we spend hours and hours creating content and investing money to connect with people far away when the real opportunities lie with the people we pass by everyday.

I don’t want to sound like some motivational book or preacher so I’m not going to use the “people are your network” and other known connect or networking quotes.

But everyone we meet or come across in life — even momentarily — has something to teach us. But these experiences are locked inside and it often takes kindness to begin the process of unlocking them.

One thing I’ve observed is that, often, the people we meet in life are all connected somehow. They’re our doors and opportunities and everyday we let them slip by.

I know what you must be thinking. It is a lot easier connecting virtually than physically. You always wonder if the person would like you or think you are crazy or clingy — I have had those thoughts too.

But here is the truth: on the rare occasions strangers have been kind to me, I considered them warm and thoughtful and a blessing to a generation that is distancing itself into obscurity.

So be kind and experience the wonder of connecting with people.

And in case you have forgotten some of the ways to show kindness, I list 37 ways below.

  1. Greet people or say hello with a smile.
  2. Offer to share your umbrella on a rainy day.
  3. Say thank you when someone does you a favor or offers you a service.
  4. For drivers, be polite on the road.
  5. Offer a listening ear when a friend needs someone to talk
  6. Do not be judgmental…try to understand where someone is coming from
  7. If you believe in prayer, pray for someone.
  8. Be nice to waiters and waitresses and all others that serve you.
  9. Encourage someone.
  10. Forgive someone.
  11. Give sincere opinion and advice when someone asks for it.
  12. Try to let go of stereotypes and show kindness without discrimination.
  13. Be grateful and complain less.
  14. Offer to volunteer for a neighborhood cause you are care about.
  15. Take time to give reviews or recommendations so others can benefit.
  16. Stand up for someone when they are put down and you can help.
  17. Take time to help strangers with directions when asked.
  18. Be a source of positive energy to people around you; don’t weigh them down with your problems.
  19. Leave the washroom in a good condition after your use.
  20. Clean up after yourself.
  21. Compliment others when they need to be complimented.
  22. Share your meal with someone.
  23. Respect people’s time and avoid being late for appointments.
  24. Avoid gossip, it only hurts others.
  25. When someone invites you for an event and you can’t make it, find sometime to make it up to them.
  26. Give people the benefit of the doubt.
  27. Try to not pass judgement, especially on the basis of assumptions
  28. Appreciate more and complain less
  29. Respect other people’s belongings and treat them as you would yours or better.
  30. Put in a good word for someone if and when you can.
  31. Tell others about books or apps that have been beneficial to you.
  32. Respect other people’s territory.
  33. Say nice things about others behind their back( there is something good about the people you consider worst).
  34. Help others with job opportunities if you can.
  35. Send thank you notes and messages(personalize them).
  36. Show respect to the other people’s loved ones.
  37. Be the peacemaker anywhere you find yourself.

Concluding Remarks

Don’t forget to be kind to yourself. I am of the view that you can’t give want you don’t have. Let’s fill this world with kindness — it’s in desperate need of it.

Kindly add to the list. Let me know ways through which you show kindness.

