39 Years of Reflection on the Eve of My Birthday

Five reasons why I’m happy to be older and wiser.

Amanda Allworth
Ascent Publication


Photo: Gratisography on Pexels

Tomorrow is my 39th birthday. Yep, I’m one year closer to 40. And while I should be planning a mid-life crisis, I’m too busy celebrating another year of wisdom gained. Here’s why 39 feels so good.

I no longer seek validation.

I tend to be a people-pleaser by nature. I generally don’t like to rock the boat, cause a stir or share an unpopular opinion. I’m a rule-follower and a safe-player. These character traits let me live my life quietly on the fringe, and my agreeable attitude has made it easy to keep people happy. But I just wrapped up my first full year as a new mom, and I’ve noticed my people-pleasing ways are falling by the wayside.

Suddenly I’m required to use my voice to advocate for my son. I receive lots of unsolicited advice on how to parent and kindly disregard most of it. Because even though I’m a novice, I have a clear vision of how I want to raise my son and I’m confident that I know what’s best for him. He’s helping me find my voice, and I no longer feel the need to justify my life choices or take the popular stance. The last 18 months of motherhood have no doubt morphed my brain, my thoughts and my actions. I’m feeling more self-assured at 39 than I ever have.



Amanda Allworth
Ascent Publication

Scientist. Agvocate. Knowledge Seeker. Lover of comfortable silences and honest stories.