4 Practical Self-Improvement Books That Elevated My Life in 2022

On habits, being authentic, defeating your ego, and eating frogs.

Moreno Zugaro
Ascent Publication


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

There are about 150 million books in existence, with another 2.2 million published every year. That’s a lot of books.

If you read one per week, it would still take you 2.9 million years — and a few pairs of strong reading glasses — to get through them all. You likely won’t live long enough, so you have to be selective. Especially if you — like me — read to improve your life and become a better version of yourself.

If a book doesn’t improve your life, change your way of thinking, or at least entertain you, you’ve wasted your time and a bunch of trees died for nothing.

2020 has shown us we need to work on ourselves and learn to better deal with life’s challenges. Here are the four books that helped me become a better version of myself and drastically improved my life during the last year.

“High-Performance Habits” — Brendon Burchard

Photo by author

“Seek clarity. Generate energy. Raise necessity…

