4 Tactics to Help You Transform Into Your Best Self

Apply the process I’ve used to change my life.

Chris Terrana
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

We can’t help but change and evolve. It’s the nature of evolution.

When I was younger, I feared change. I desperately tried to stay the same person because I had a fixed mindset full of fear. Little did I realize that change is not only inevitable, but it’s a sign of growth.

Change is the only constant in the universe. Even if we try to stay the same, time will do its thing on us. We are continually morphing and evolving.

Since we are going to change, we might as well focus on what direction we change in and who we want to become.

1. Improving a Little Bit Each Day Adds Up

Personal development and self-improvement mean consciously asking the question:

“How can I improve a little bit more today?”

Ask that question daily to grow, and you’ll be baffled by what’s possible.

I’d often pick my goal of who I wanted to be and then compare myself to them. I’d only see how far I needed to go and how long it was going to take to get there.

This thought process caused paralysis from analysis for me. I took no action as a result.



Chris Terrana
Ascent Publication

Actor. Martial Artist. Fitness Freak. Writer for Big Money Methods.