4 Truths to Help You Embrace Your Introversion

Angela M Ward
Ascent Publication
Published in
8 min readJan 7, 2019


Growing up, I often felt that many people didn’t understand my introversion.

The question “Why are you so quiet?” would always leave me baffled.

I wore my quietness like someone wears their favourite sweater. It was familiar and cozy. Warm and comfortable.

It was me.

I could no sooner change my nature than my hair or eye colour. It’s the way I’m built and the way I function.

I prefer small groups over huge gatherings. I recharge after social activities by reading, writing or binge-watching Netflix shows. And although I have a lot to say in my writing, I say a lot less in person.

For a long time I thought that there was something wrong with me. That my nature made me flawed. That my personal attributes were weaknesses that needed to be changed.

Along with being very introverted, I was also painfully shy. Fear kept me closed off and afraid for years and years but like most shy people, I outgrew it.

The years slowly chipped away at my timidness, and I was able to come more fully into my own as I entered university, college and the working world, among like-minded people.

Accepting myself was not easy though.



Angela M Ward
Ascent Publication

Communications and digital marketing professional, interested in creativity, personal development and mindful living. Top Writer in Reading.