5 Biggest Travel Mistakes I Constantly Make

Peter Minkoff
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2019

I consider myself to be an avid traveler — I’ve been to many different countries all around the world, I love getting to know different cultures, and I enjoy meeting new people. However, what I don’t like about traveling is seeing myself repeat the same mistakes every single time. No matter how much I prepare and how many times I go through my checklist, somehow, the same mistakes always happen. So, here are five biggest mistakes I make and how not to make them yourself.

Not informing my credit card company about my trip

One of the great advantages of having credit cards, besides the convenience, is the protection they have against thefts. Sure, they can still get physically stolen, but most companies have started tracking your spending habits so they can notice any suspicious transactions and cancel your credit card before any bigger damage is done. No, they still can’t protect you from your drunk eBay purchases, but they can protect you if somebody steals your credit card and tries to use it in another country on another continent.

This is where the fun begins if you forget to inform them about your trip, like I always do, and get your own account frozen. Luckily, I always carry some cash with me as well, but still, it’s not a pleasant way to start your vacation.

The only way to avoid this mistake is pretty much not to forget. Set an alarm or write it on your mirror with a sharpie if nothing else works, but do make that call. It’ll save you lots of time and nerves.

Spending too much

Related to the first mistake, if I don’t manage to freeze my credit card account, I probably will manage to spend too much simply because credit cards are so easy to use. So, in order to save up at least a bit, I started using credit card bonuses and rewards. For example, I rely on Qantas platinum quite a lot, since I like traveling by plane.

Therefore, make sure to inform yourself on credit card bonuses that you can use when traveling. Or, leave your credit card at home and bring only cash so you can’t spend more than you physically have in your wallet.

Not buying something you like right away

We’ve all been there — you see something you like but maybe you’re in a group that is moving forward, or maybe you think you’ll get it the next time you go there, and you don’t buy it. However, that “next time” never happens. For example, after visiting a great craft brewery in Margaret River and trying their amazing brews, I forgot to get some bottles to go. This is one mistake I’ve never learned from, and every year, there is one more item on the list of things I wish I bought.

The only tip I can give you here is to buy the thing you like as soon as you see it. Don’t hesitate, and don’t feel bad if you do find the same thing two days later at a better price — you couldn’t have known, and it doesn’t matter, as long as you got it.

Forgetting my toothbrush

This one has become a must for me — I always forget my toothbrush. Yes, I do put it on my checklist, but that doesn’t help much. I still have to brush my teeth before leaving the house, and I still have to forget it in the bathroom. However, I did also stop stressing about it. How? Well, I bought five extra toothbrushes and I placed one in each of my suitcases. So, I guess you could say that I’ve made peace with this mistake. It’s not a big deal though, since toothbrushes are not exactly expensive, so it’s a mistake you can allow yourself to make.

Assuming that hot destinations are always hot

And assuming that cold places are always cold. For example, I went to Finland to visit my friend last winter, and seeing enough memes about the winter wonderland that is Finland, I packed all my warmest clothes. I mean, why would I need my thin spring shirts there, right? Big mistake. The thing is, as cold as Finland is, every building is so heated, you definitely don’t need two sweaters and a thick flannel shirt underneath. Needless to say, I had to do some shopping.

In short, if you’re traveling to a very hot or very cold destination, keep in mind that the indoors are usually at the opposite side of the thermometer. Therefore, always pack enough clothes so you can take something off and put something on when needed.

There you have it, five mistakes that I always make and how not to make them yourself. So, have fun on your next trip and even if you do make the same mistakes for the 10th time, don’t let them ruin your vacation. The only thing that matters is having a good time.

