5 Habits of Authentic Morning People You Can Easily Borrow

Science shows there’s a strategy behind becoming a morning person.

Zulie Rane
Ascent Publication


woman in pink shirt smiles at the camera. she is a morning person
Photo by Joshua Mcknight from Pexels

I’ve never been a morning person and honestly, it had never been a real issue until recently. When I worked a corporate job, I could more or less chug through work without too many complications. I hated my mornings, but thought everyone did.

When I went fully freelance, it suddenly became imperative to give myself a reason to wake up well in the morning. Good days and bad days started making a huge difference in my income and my enjoyment of my job. Like many freelancers before me, I found that how my morning started dictated how my day went.

I tried a lot of different tricks before settling on these five habits I stole from “real” morning people that helped me have better mornings.

While it’s true certain people’s circadian rhythms favor more of a night mode, many of us could benefit from poaching the habits of authentic morning people. These habits are scientifically backed and can help just about anyone be a morning person, from the moment you wake up, to boosting your mood, to increasing productivity in those early hours.

The best part of these habits is that there are no radical changes, cold showers, or big asks. These are all…



Zulie Rane
Ascent Publication

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.