5 Life-Changing Lessons From a Former Monk

Life lessons from Jay Shetty’s new book Think Like A Monk

Jessica A. Pedraza, Esq.
Ascent Publication


Photo by Nicolas Häns on Unsplash

I’ve always admired people who go rouge in life. Something about leaving all expectations behind and creating life on your terms is incredibly inspiring to me.

That’s exactly what Jay Shetty did in his 20s. According to Jay, he grew up in a family where “you could become one of three things — a doctor, a lawyer, or a failure.”

After finishing college, he decided to forgo the graduation ceremony and his parent’s expectations of him. He didn’t turn to drugs or set off on a backpacking trip of self-exploration. He didn’t roam the world in search of himself. He did something much less dramatic.

He became a monk.

After his time in the ashram, he moved back to his parent’s house in London. What he’s been able to accomplish has been astronomical. He created a massive social media platform where he’s reached more than a billion views. His podcast, On Purpose, is the number one health podcast in the world.

Recently, he’s become a New York Times bestselling author with his new book Think Like A Monk. His book is meant to sum up what he learned from three years in an ashram. It’s a book with valuable wisdom on how to cultivate peace in your life. It’s a book…



Jessica A. Pedraza, Esq.
Ascent Publication

A mother, wife, traveler, writer, and lawyer — in that order. Contact me: jesszolt@gmail.com or follow my Instagram: @seekinggurustravel