5 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your Shadow

Quincy Hawley
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readAug 30, 2018

Have you ever thought about the purpose of your shadow? Is there a deeper meaning to our shadows, or is it simply ‘a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface’ as defined by dictionary.com?

The Day I Noticed My Shadow

About 6 months or so ago, I was outside running in extremely cold weather asking myself, “Is it really worth it, Quincy? Is it?” I was asking myself if being outside in those conditions was really worth the effort of keeping my body in tip top shape. I determined that it was absolutely worth it and continued my run.

When I reached the top of one of the hills and started doing jumping jacks I noticed something that took my breath away.

I noticed my shadow for the first time in my whole entire life. I had obviously seen it before, but I’d never actually studied it. I had never taken the time to look at it closely and see all of the hidden messages it could teach me about life.

Your Shadow is Here for YOU!

Everything I’ve learned about over the past 2 years about full potential, Dream Life, Universal Law, and all of the secrets of success of the world can be represented by my shadow! And to think that my shadow has been with me since the day I was born is completely insane!

As I was studying my shadow, I started to ask myself questions. One of the questions was, “What’s the purpose of my shadow?” After some deep thinking, I realized its purpose in life. The purpose of the shadow is to wake us up from the ordinary and routine lifestyle that many of us choose to live! Below you will find 5 things my shadow taught me.

5 Crucial Things My Shadow Taught Me About Life

  1. Who I truly am can never be destroyed — What a great reminder to help me take risks in life, and shoot for the stars! I am not just my physical body. ‘I’ am far more powerful than just my physical body. My shadow is indestructible. I’m indestructible. My physical body’s not indestructible, but “I” am. Even if I’m sick, upset, sad, or angry, my shadow remains the same, as does my soul!
  2. There is no limit to my growth potential and personal development — At the right angle with the right light, my shadow can span so far out that I can’t even see it. You can shoot the shadow, stab it, throw dirt on it, talk negatively about it, and it still stands strong.
  3. Our mistakes in life don’t define who we are — Our mistakes in life don’t determine what we are capable of. My shadow doesn’t judge me for my mistakes, nor is it altered by the mistakes of my past. The shadow itself can do no wrong. Even if I do something that ‘bad’, the shadow itself remains pure. In life, we are going to make mistakes and do bad things. Let our shadows be a daily reminder that it’s O.K. to fail here and there.
  4. I am 100% unique — My shadow is mine and mine only! It is unique to me! I have complete control over it, just as I have control over my Dream Life! In life, we should embrace the things that are unique about us, as opposed to being embarrassed by them. Our imperfections are really gifts, but we must learn to see them as gifts. Let your shadow be a daily reminder to embrace your uniqueness.

But then I noticed something even more spectacular!!!

The fifth lesson I learned from my shadow is truly my favorite, and it’s also the most profound of the five.

As I was studying my shadow, a cloud covered the Sun, and the shadow disappeared! Or did it? Did the shadow REALLY disappear or is it just being hidden by the darkness of the clouds? This phenomenon stunned the crap out of me, and it really had me thinking hard.

5. In life, there will be clouds that hide the best in us from our own eyes and the eyes of others — It’s important that we remember that just as the shadow didn’t disappear, the darkness of life doesn’t remove the good that ABIDES IN EVERY MAN AND WOMAN! The good in every person may be hard to see at times, but it’s always there! When those dark moments in life hide the good in you, remember your shadow. Remember the cloudy days and how they sometimes hide your shadow. Remember that your shadow never really left, and it will manifest again when the darkness is removed!

5 Dream Life Motivation Take Home Messages

  1. Don’t be afraid to take some risks in life and challenge your tendency to be overly cautious.
  2. Pursue your full potential through daily and deliberate personal development every single day because there is no limit to your growth!
  3. Embrace your mistakes and know that your failures in life are only appearances. They are only illusions. Your soul is pure, and you are your soul. Therefore you are pure! Never be confused, and be sure to get up and keep pushing forward after you fall.
  4. Appreciate your imperfections. Whether physical imperfections or something about your personality, embrace your uniqueness and find the advantage in the seeming disadvantage.
  5. Most importantly, never forget that even when the tough moments in life present themselves, remember that the clouds will certainly clear and the beauty of life will also reappear! As proof, think of all of the ‘bad’ things that have ever happened to you. Despite the challenges from your past, you are still kickin’ today!


Perhaps you’ve had some dark days. I know I’ve had some, and that’s perfectly O.K.; However, since I’ve realized that I’m only as vulnerable as my shadow, life has become infinitely easier and a thousand times more fun!

Nothing in life can harm you. Nothing in life can stop you from pursuing your full potential and your Dream Life. And nothing can stop you from pursuing and achieving the Dream Life that I’m always blabbing about these days.

My shadow’s not afraid of the elements, other people, weapons, rejection, criticism, failure, success, governments, etc. The human shadow has no fears, and neither should we as humans.

I challenge you to remember that your shadow is closer to the true you than anything you’ve ever known before. Once we become aware of that truth, we free ourselves to live life the way we truly want to live it!

Dream Life Motivation: Discover what you desire! Pursue it with all your heart! And you will achieve whatever you desire!

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Quincy Hawley
Ascent Publication

As the founder of Dream Life Motivation and co-founder of Get MotiVETed, I'm a speaker, author, and coach. I also have a huge passion for personal development!