5 Powerful Reasons to Admit Why You’re Really Upset

Stop bottling and accept your emotions.

Shaina Waterhouse
Ascent Publication


Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

I have a hard time acknowledging my feelings.

I think we can all agree that bottling emotions is bad, and yet I still find myself doing it. Last year, this actually led to several weeks of what I referred to as “low periods” and what were really probably mild symptoms of depression.

I refused to address the root cause of my frustration. I would feel myself sliding toward a meltdown, and I couldn’t understand why. The only way I knew how to describe the way I felt was “a looming sense of overwhelm.”

This usually led to low sprits and random bouts of crying. I wasn’t crying necessarily because I was sad, it was just a physical release of all the emotions I didn’t know how to express.

Eventually, I’d sit down with my partner or journal and finally dig into my feelings. If I’m at the point of feeling a general sense of overwhelm in my life, then it usually takes a while to discover the root cause of my emotions — I’ve buried the core problem so deep that I don’t want to acknowledge it.

Repressing emotions like this is not healthy. It wreaks havoc on your mental state and, if you’re anything like me, it usually leads to physical exhaustion, migraines, and sedentary…



Shaina Waterhouse
Ascent Publication

Curious learner, sharing stories about relationships, love, and personal development.