5 Questions That Will Show Where Your Passions Lie

Halimah K.
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2020

“If you are going through hell, keep going.”

This quote is attributed to Winston Churchill. I know him as the man unfortunate enough to be the Prime Minister of Britain at one of the worst times to be alive.

Reading through his history, there’s one more thing that could be said about him; he had a great passion for leading his people, and he persevered despite the obstacles. In an article about Winston Churchill, I came across this interesting story:

“It was the summer of 1940, and Hitler, who was the Chancellor of the German Reich by then, was closer to winning the war than he would ever be again. The German had overrun Poland, occupied Norway, and defeated and humiliated France, a major power. It seemed only a matter of time before Hitler would dominate all of Europe. He was aligned with the Soviets and the Americans were still neutral and biding their time.

Ironically, it was Great Britain, the only country Hitler truly admired and respected, that defied the dictator. Churchill declared that he had only one goal: "Victory -- victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be.

"Great Britain persevered for a good year, from France's capitulation until Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, despite German air raids on London and Coventry, despite German victories in Africa, the Balkans and Scandinavia, and despite the threat of national bankruptcy.

And Churchill deserved the credit for this perseverance.

Passion And Perseverance

Photo by Adrià Tormo on Unsplash

Passion is the strong drive that lets you achieve great things. It is the zeal to keep on pushing despite the obstacles in the way. Passions evolve as we gain more wisdom and experience.

Passion is commonly viewed as one path a person must follow till he dies, whether it’s in the arts or sciences. But that is a misconception.

You arrive at your passion by exploring many paths until you find something you love and stick to it. Robert Munsch is a good example. He studied to be a priest, worked at a farm, went out to sea before he found what he truly loved and was good at which was writing books for children.

Passion does not require you to abandon a job you don’t like but pays a good salary. Many great people have pursued their passions while maintaining their “main hustle”. Albert Einstein worked as a Patent Clerk at the Swiss Federal Office and wrote physics papers in his spare time.

Perseverance coupled with passion is the recipe for success at any goal you wish to accomplish. Passion without continuous effort is useless. Perseverance means acting in spite of delay or difficulty on the road to success.

“There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself.” — Lemony Snicket

How To Identify Your Passions

Passion is what drives you to use your talents in efficient ways. It is what keeps you excited day after day.

As I said earlier, you can have a number of things you’re passionate about; it doesn’t have to be only one thing. Here are five questions to help you identify what your passions are:

1. What would I do if I didn’t fear what people would think?

Psychologist Clayton Barbeau stated that external pressures can make you feel unhappy and dissatisfied with your choices because you choose to do things that other people ask you to do, not what you truly want.

Think about what would give you maximum satisfaction and happiness, and resist giving in to what others dictate for you whether it’s your parents, close friend or spouse. Choose to be authentic. Choose you.

2. Is there something I’ve been afraid to try because it takes me out of my comfort zone?

My first challenge with writing was publishing whatever I had written. I was constantly plagued with thoughts of discouragement because I didn’t know if I had written something any good. But how would I have known if I didn’t publish any piece?

So ask yourself this question, and do it despite your fear.

3. What makes me jealous when I see other people doing it?

You may think this is an unusual question, but philosopher Alain De Botton thinks otherwise. He says that envy comes from the fact that we can relate to someone who has something we desire.

Envy is a deeply uncomfortable feeling, but it is also a call to action. It tells us that we see something in another person that we want for ourselves.

Beyond the material things of life, we may envy another person’s career, adventures, or ambitions because we do not yet know that it is what we want for ourselves.

4. What are my core values and how would it affect my chosen passion?

This is important to know because our values are what give meaning to our lives. Choosing a passion that’s not in line with your core values would cause serious internal conflict.

My core values stem from my religion, and it has been the defining factor in whatever interests I decide to move further in. I once created a product that conflicted with my core values, I didn’t have the courage to push it so it eventually died.

When you don’t believe in something, it’s hard to make it work.

5. What activity makes me feel completely in my element?

Sir Ken Robinson calls this “being in the zone”. In his book, The Element, he highlights several examples of people who enjoy their work. One thing common amongst them is that when they begin to do what they love, the rest of the world slips away, and hours feel like minutes.

Take note of the activities that make you feel this way. They don’t necessarily feel blissful, but they give you a level of satisfaction that keeps you coming back.

In Conclusion

Follow the path these questions lead you to and make your contribution to the world in your own little way.

I believe stories matter. I am passionate about hearing stories and telling them to people. It is how I add value to their lives. Finding my passion seemed easy next to the second step: persevering.

I have struggled with accepting rejections, I have been humbled by them, I have allowed myself to be discouraged a few times. But I have never given up because when you find something that sets your soul on fire, you don’t want to live without it burning within you.



Halimah K.
Ascent Publication

I write about small improvements that make life a little more fulfilling.