5 Quotes From Sun Tzu That Bring Peace to My Mind

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”

Amardeep Parmar
Ascent Publication


Created by the author from Wikimedia Commons and PxHere

Sun Tzu’s Art of War is a short book. You can read it quickly, tick it off and boast about it. Or you could read it slowly and painfully and learn something about yourself.

I initially read it while I was deep into my martial arts training, I was disappointed at the lack of secret fighting techniques. On my second read-through, I discovered the philosophies would help me in the ring. It wasn’t until several more read-throughs I started seeing there was something deeper in all of this.

While it was a guide for actual war in ancient times, many lessons can be applied to the war we are battling with ourselves. Like many of you reading, sometimes I’m my own worst enemy and get caught in difficult internal dialogues. I assume like me, you generally don’t pop out to the shops and have to fight an army of samurai on the way back.

These quotes are from over 3,500 years ago so no one can claim to know what exactly Sun Tzu meant with his words. Yet the beauty of a good quote is the original author’s intent is almost irrelevant, what matters is whether they can encourage positive behaviors for you.

Here’s how I interpreted five quotes to improve my life. They serve as…



Amardeep Parmar
Ascent Publication

Founder of The BAE HQ @amardeepbae + Host of Entrepreneur's Handbook ☆ I help the ambitious develop deep self awareness ☆ https://antiburnout.mindfuldriven.com