5 Real Risks of Trying to Become a Polyglot

I’m a polyglot because I’m having fun learning languages.

Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication


Photo by Bruce Warrington on Unsplash

As a polyglot, I’ve met many people who were envious of me. They said they wished they could speak many foreign languages as well. Some of them even followed tips and tried hard to become one.

Unfortunately for them, that’s not how anybody becomes a polyglot. No polyglot ever tried becoming one. They only became addicted to language learning.

You can become a polyglot too. But you shouldn’t try to.

You should only focus on the journey itself and your feet will get you there one day. If you don’t, you risk giving up learning languages entirely. And that’d be a shame because it’s a magnificent journey.

One that will change how you perceive the world. One that will change you.

Beware of these perils and you’ll be able to enjoy the journey a lot more.

You’ll Start Hating Languages

How ironic is that? By trying to become a polyglot, you risk hating foreign languages and language-learning as a whole.

Learning a language takes time. A whole lot of it. To speak well any language, no matter how closely related to yours it is, takes years. Sure, you can get a…



Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra