5 Things You Stop Chasing Once You Realize Your Worth

It all boils down to one thing everyone wants in life.

Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication


Photo by Davide De Giovanni from Pexels

For many people, there’s a wound inside them. I had this wound. You most likely have this wound.

It’s a value wound.

People grow up thinking they need to prove their value in this world. That if they hustle, improve themselves, find a gorgeous partner, and become rich, a stamp of approval is placed upon them that says they’re of worth.

But that’s where most people go wrong; that’s why there are so many unhappy people in this world, no matter their wealth, fame, or success.

They let their value wound drive them. They live from a place where they’re never enough; they think that proving their worth is just a promotion away. Or they make choices based on believing they’ll never deserve love.

But if people stopped to consider where this feeling of unworthiness comes from, they’d see how it only exists because of outside influences. Maybe a parent shaped their self-esteem, or they hold a grudge from long ago.

The reasons aren’t inside them; they’re outside of them.

Why is it that unworthiness isn’t internal? Because people’s worth is inherent. You can’t take away or add to it. It’s why Elon…



Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." kirstietaylor.com/guide // IG: @kirstietaylorr //