Image Credits : GLady

5 Timeless Pieces Of Wisdom From A Sage

Chapter 1: Lao Tzu — With Danny Forest

Joren van Schaik
Ascent Publication
Published in
9 min readAug 28, 2018


In this first chapter of “Timeless Wisdom From A Sage” I called upon Medium top writer, serial entrepreneur, and Viking Tradesman — Danny Forest.

We decided to combine forces in the hopes of providing you with a refreshing, innovative concept that holds the potential to guide you to a better life.
Two different voices, one connected message.

*Recommended reading from Danny can be found at the end of this article.

Introducing The Sage

The Chinese Philosopher “Lao Tzu” (-honorific title for “Old Teacher”-), also known as “Laozi” or “Lao Tse”, remains an undying legend in the popular, spiritual practice of Taoism. Still to this day, his contribution to the sacred text “Tao Te Ching” (“Book Of The Way”) is considered one of the most life-changing pieces of philosophical work ever created.

After years of service as the record keeper of the central court of the Chinese Zhou Dynasty in the 6th century B.C., it is said that Lao Tzu was tired of life in the Zhou court due to increasing moral corruption. Thus, he travelled to the Western border of the Chinese empire riding a water buffalo — as you would expect an ancient sage to do.



Joren van Schaik
Ascent Publication

Writer, Cinematographer & Video Editor of “WOLVEFANG” on Youtube. Lifelong Student and Free Thinker.