5 Untranslatable Japanese Phrases on Love and Happiness

The hidden pearls of wisdom for a blissful life.

Ascent Publication


Photo by Jenna Neal on Unsplash

I discovered the obscure parts of myself by living in Tokyo. Spending my childhood years in Turkey, who would ever think that one day I would move to Japan and redefine most of the things that I know about love and happiness.

I have not had an expat life in Japan. In contrast, I have worked in a local store for years that I became pretty immersed in the authentic culture itself. So every other day, I have uncovered the Japanese secrets one by one on the road to a long and joyous life.

Although now I am living in a different place, I will never forget those awakenings. That said, below are the five untranslatable Japanese phrases that opened me to a whole new world where imperfections lead to happiness and love is predictable at first sight:

1. Koi No Yokan 恋の予感

“The gut feeling upon first meeting someone that you will eventually fall in love with them.”

Koi No Yokan is a more realistic version of love at first sight. The intense excitement and heartbeat felt when you meet someone that you have always wanted to be with. You can’t really be sure if the person is the right one or not on the first date because rationally, it is not…

