5 Ways to Explore & Apply Maslow’s Theory of Self-Actualization

Understanding our needs and wants is at the heart of a fulfilling life.

Elaine C.
Ascent Publication


I’ve reached a point in my life where I feel stuck at a vague crossroads. I’ve dedicated almost a decade of my life to a very specific area of my professional identity, and despite my best efforts I have to concede — I’m not exactly happy.

The events of this year have caused many of us to stop and reflect. To really consider whether the ways we’re living are making us happy. Whether through unexpected and forced job loss or redundancy or simply from observing global events and realising life is short when we don’t account for the unexpected.

Throughout our lives, we go through many journeys. As we move through these journeys our needs change, but we don’t often give this much thought. It’s certainly where I’m at now. The ways I’ve lived my life were suited to my needs in my mid-twenties, but I’m now in my mid-thirties. My needs have changed and with that, I need to re-evaluate how I live my life to ensure they’re being met.

How we process our needs can have a dramatic impact on our sense of life fulfilment and overall satisfaction with who we are and where we feel our life is going. Continuously securing, redeveloping and progressing with the…

