500 Days Of Handstand Push-ups Has Altered My Worldview Of Life

It may just enhance your experience, too.

Jaivir Hans
Ascent Publication


Graphic created by the author.
Graphic created by the author.

I’m going to give you a short backstory to this account, because right off the proverbial bat, I happily acknowledge that doing wall handstands isn’t everyone’s game or goal.

I’m using handstand push-ups as an anchor to illustrate a larger point with regard to life’s peaks and troughs. My sincerest hope is that it delivers value to the way you engage with the world, and that you draw from it what you view as resonant and personally aligned with your sensibilities.


I’ve been an athlete my whole life. I started weight training in my late teens and barring 2 years while I was studying for my Master’s degree, I’ve trained hard, and regularly, the entire time since then. I’m 31 at the time of this writing, and I’m undoubtedly fitter, stronger, and vitally more powerful now than I was at 21.

Wall handstands have played a significant part in the confidence with which I’m making the claim above.

Here’s the interesting feature of my claim, though — I’ve only been doing these handstands for the past 1.5 years.

But, I haven’t missed a single day. Not one.



Jaivir Hans
Ascent Publication

On an intrepid quest to discover the world through my words. Contact me if you’d like me to write something for you. Email: jaivir.hans@gmail.com.